Monday, June 17, 2013

6/10 - 6/17

Monday – PM – Softball and bike
Got a bike ride to the softball field and subsequent softball game in. As a rest/cross-training day, this was fine. I then rode to the bar after the game and home. Something like 12 miles on the bike. Had a decent game in spite of being defeated again to continue our winless record. We also lost at bar trivia. Meh.

Tuesday – PM – 7 miles: 00:56
On the road in the Newtons. Blood sugar was in the low 200s when I started due to overcorrecting an earlier low, but I safety-pinned a GU to the inside of my shorts just in case. Went without a bottle figuring I could stop at water fountains around town. For the most part, it wasn't a very interesting run. Quads were either sore from the weekend still or from some softball exertion from yesterday. I tried keeping my pace easy by forcing myself to breathe calmly only through my nose. That worked until at mile 4 my path intersected with a bro of this variety:

His pace was close to mine, so I felt it my duty to speed up and pass him. That turned my casual 8:05 pace into a 7:30 pace for the first time in like two months. Eventually I heard him behind breathing insanely hard trying to keep up. So, that turned the 7:30 pace into a 7:00 pace seeing if he'd keep coming. He did. Eventually he stopped somewhere and was gone. But I felt pretty good about the moment, especially just to run fast again. Training for an ultra kind of eliminates the need for that and increases injury risk, so I usually don't. But I circled back towards home, ran on the dirt paths around the lake to come in right at an 8:00 pace for the whole run. Blood sugar was 72 when I got home, so I downed a few gulps of Coke. The plantar fascias weren't happy, in addition to the already unhappy quads, so I fought with a foam roller before bed.

Wednesday - Off

Keeping with the string of recent storms on Wednesdays, a crazy lightning storm came up in the evening and delayed my plan to do 5 miles.  Moved to a later day.

Thursday - PM - 7 miles: 1:01

Rode bike to the Arboretum after work.  Mosquitos are still pretty bad.  Other than new mud everywhere from Wednesday night’s rain, not too spectacular.  Saw the cranes for the first time.  Ran in my New Balance MT110 ES's

Friday - AM - 5 miles: 00:40

A little over twelve hours after my previous run.  I was a little tired, a little dehydrated, and a little hungry.  Decided not to push it given I knew that I had a heavy run this weekend. Was building some foot strength with my NB MR00's.

Saturday - PM - 5 miles: 00:39

Another mostly unremarkable run.  Similar to Tuesday, I found myself running with someone else at nearly the same pace.  This time it wasn’t a bro, but rather a tall lady who had pretty solid biomechanics.  After about a mile of accidentally running together, I decided I was feeling awkward given the fact that we were like 5 feet away from each other and not talking.  So, I sped up to a 7:30 pace for a mile-ish.  She didn’t fall for the trick, but did ultimately keep up to a degree until I turned towards home.  I should find people to run with more often...intentionally.

Sunday - Off

Was planning to wake up and do my 22 miles at the Arb, but my blood sugar was high, and after eating breakfast, it went higher.  I changed out my infusion site and got it down, but by then it was 4 pm, and if I were to head to the Arb, it’d be dark by the time I finished the run.  So, I opted for a dawn run the following morning.  That itself was almost wrecked when I checked my blood sugar before bed to discover my blood sugar was 400!  Knowing I had not consumed in anyway enough carbs to constitute that blood sugar, I figured I had, yet again, another bad infusion site.  So, I switched that out again and got my blood sugar down to 125 before going to sleep.  Geez.

Monday - AM - 22 miles-ish:  ~3:20

Laced up my glued together NB MT110 AK's.The GPS was all over the place this morning (off by a third of a mile in the first two miles).  I accidentally turned it off for at least a mile.  So, while the GPS says I only ran 20 miles, I’m calling shenanigans and calling it 22.  But made it to the Arb by a little after 6.  Set up the car as an aid station and got running.  At mile 3 in the Noe Woods, I ran into two white-tail does.  Obviously there were turkeys all over the place in the Leopold Pines and around the Greene Prairie.  They were cool with me today, though I did see one sporting all of its tail feathers from a distance while another darted towards him (her?).  I didn’t see the cranes today, unfortunately, but the Arb’s facebook page posted a video of them:

And then in the Teal Wetlands, I spotted a majestic as fuck turtle.  I stopped and admired him for a bit.  And then I ran off.  Otherwise, it was super muddy, and after a few trips down the wrong trails in the first 7 miles, I figured out what trails to hang around to avoid losing my shoes in the mud. Regardless, my shoes and legs were pretty mud-caked by the end of the day.

Nutrition and diabetes wise, I started off with my blood sugar ~250.  I didn’t bother with a correction bolus because I was still carrying around insulin from my oatmeal breakfast, but did go with a 50% basal rate for the day.  Not doing a correction bolus turned out to be a good idea, as I was bonking by mile 3.  Ate two GU’s in rapid succession and made it back to the car at mile 8 after refilling my bottle midway through that section.  Blood sugar was ~110.  Ate a Larabar, gave myself 0.5 units and an S!Cap and headed back out.  Ate another GU, finished a bottle and a half, gave myself 1.0 units, made it back to the car at mile 17.25.  Blood sugar was 106.  Ate a banana and S!Cap, ran off, felt a bonk coming on and had a GU.  The legs were starting to feel shaky, and I was beginning to hallucinate logs as animals.  This was when I accidentally turned off my GPS and didn’t turn it back on for a while.  Eventually, I opted to just run back home and call it a day at mile 20 according to the GPS given my legs felt like 22 miles had happened.  Blood sugar was 156.  Turned my basal back to full and had some chocolate milk when I got home.

Monday - PM - Bike and Softball
Pretty good game. I can't throw the ball accurately from 3rd to 1st, but otherwise, it was a fun game. Now I can finally sleep.

Cumulative running: ~46 miles, ~7 hours

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