Monday, July 1, 2013

6/25 - 6/30

Tuesday - 9 miles, ~1:16
First run in 4 days.  Probably the longest break I've had since the end of 2012 when a plantar fasciitis flare-up kept me out for a week or so.  Took a little while for the legs and lungs to remember how to work, but after the first mile, everything just rolled together.  With all the storms lately, the Arb trails are flooded all over, and I had to stick to the road, which was super lame.  And the recent uptick in humidity meant that my shorts were completely soaked through by the end.

But I tried out some Skratch Labs raspberry mix to see if I could use it as an S!Cap substitute, but it was hard to tell with a sample size of one.  I might give it another shot, but will stick with S!Caps for the most part as they just work for me.  Also had a go with the peanut butter GU flavor.  It was basically like eating a spoonful of peanut butter that goes down a lot easier than real peanut butter.  It was great.  Probably will mix that in with my current mix of GU flavors.  

Wednesday - 5 miles, 00:39
A meh run for the most part.  Only interesting parts were the humidity and some dude I ran into.  The humidity and heat are terrible right now.  It was only like 82 degrees F, but I was drenched in sweat by the time I was done running.  It's already getting old fast.  Other thing was I ran into some guy who looked like a terrible runner, but turned out to be pretty fast.  I think I've developed this mentality as of late where I need to prove that I'm still fast even though I'm logging the vast majority of my miles between 8-9 minutes.  So, I just book it when I see someone faster than me and turn it into an unspoken race to see if the person will try to keep up with me or not.  This one was bad because the guy just kept up with each steady increase I had.  By the time I was running a 6 minute pace, I was toast, and he was still there.  So, I did a disgraceful pull off the trail like I was turning down a different street and pulled myself together with him out of sight.  I've had prouder moments.  But I got home fine and drank some water.

Today's other fun fact is the entrance I use to go to the Arb is actually closed because Lake Wingra has flooded it.  I don't know when this will fix itself, but if the weather keeps up like it has with the rain, I may not see an Arb trail any time soon.  Not sure what I'll do in the meantime, but I guess I'll figure something out.

Thursday - ~3.7 miles, 00:30
Seemed like I was finally getting the hang of the heat and humidity today.  But this niggle I've been noticing in my left knee for the past week or so (probably last Wednesday if these logs are accurate) was a little worse today than usual.  So, after mile 2, I started slowly pacing myself home.  Relatively certain it's an IT band issue, as I recall this niggle being the first thing to pop up when I really screwed my IT band a while ago.  So, I'll do some massage and exercise for it and rest the next day or two, but hopefully I can treat this before it becomes a real problem. 

Friday-Sunday - Off
Been feeling like a bit of a shut-in, but figured it was better to rest than push on and try doing my 24 mile long run this weekend (duh!).  Going to do softball on Monday, and then try doing the Arb Tuesday afternoon for an easy 7 or something.  If that works, I'll celebrate the almost 4th holiday by trying to do that 24 miler on Wednesday.  But we're playing it all by ear.  Currently, my knee's feeling stronger, and a few, short jogs in front of my apartment felt good.  But who knows?  I barely know what I'm doing.

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