Sunday, July 28, 2013

7/22 - 7/28

My running lately has been pretty hit-and-miss lately due to the whole getting married, family, and heat things.  So, sorry for the lapse, all you maybe readers out there.  But hopefully I haven't lost too much fitness in the intervening two weeks.

Monday - 3 miles, ~ 00:22, Home
Just a short run to get my body used to moving again.  Perfectly fine run.  Spent the rest of the day switching between computer code debugging and packing up my apartment.

Tuesday - 10 miles, ~ 1:28, Lake Monona Run
Been getting tired of running on the trails lately due to the incessant mosquito population.  Once you start sweating it doesn't seem to matter how much repellent you've got; those mosquitoes will find you and eat you to death.  It doesn't help that I just saw on the news that Dane County recently had it's first reported West Nile case.  So, regardless, I'm trying to limit mosquito exposure, meaning I broke my rules and ran on some roads for a bit.  This was a slightly more difficult run than I'm used to 10 miles being lately, but I got through it just fine.  There were a lot of hecklers on the roads though.  It was kind of disappointing.  One guy made a farting noise at me as I ran past him, and another guy yelled from his passing car something negative about me being shirtless (which I am about 90% of the time when running in summer and usually goes without remark).  It just kind of dampened the spirit of the run.  Why would someone go out of their way just to be mean like that?  But I got home and was welcomed to a room full of mess and moving boxes.  Got to do something about that soon...

Wednesday - Off
Spent the evening preparing for a Washburn public observing night.  Was a good open house, but didn't leave much time for running.

Thursday - 5 miles, 00:41
Casual run.  Still feeling a bit behind the curve on fitness.  But hopefully that'll be back up soon.  Did run into a 7 year-old kid who wanted to race.  He kicked my ass.

Friday - Off
Donated blood for the first time, so the day was obviously off.  Felt fine after giving.  We'll see how subsequent runs go.

Saturday - Off
Kind of spent the day not feeling great.  So, stay in bed is what I did.

Sunday - Arb - 24 miles, ~4:02
I mentally prepared myself to treat this like the most painful run ever.  It's been 3 weeks (I think) since I've run more than like 10 miles, and I'm missing ~10-15% of the red blood cells that used to be in my body.  But I knew I was in deep need of getting some big miles in if I'm going to even hope to finish my 50 miler in a month and a half (whoa!).

With that in mind, I just went as easily as I could make myself, which was good as I found myself getting winded pretty easily.  But eventually I settled into a nice shuffle and ran this 8-ish mile loop I kind of came up with on the fly.  Around mile 12, I noticed my left ankle giving me trouble, so I adjusted how I came down on that foot, and that seemed to help out drastically.  Given this is a recurring feeling, I was pretty stoked to figure that solution out.  About mile 18 was when the pain cave kicked in.  I was proud to have held it off for so long.  From then until the end, it was just a mental gutting it out.  Every mile or two, I'd stop for 10 seconds or so and do a few squats; they seemed to help hamstring pain, as some cramps were trying to creep in there.

But mostly a good run.  My body is noticeably getting better at handling itself when the miles hit the 20s.  Otherwise nutrition was all right.  I think I had 4 gels, a Lara bar, and "super fuel" Pro Bar, along with the electrolyte mix in one of my bottles.

The oft-mentioned turkeys.  This photo turned out terribly blurry, but I feel that somehow accurately conveys the relationship I've developed with these turkeys.

New flowers in the Arb.  I haven't identified them yet, but will soon.  They were showing up almost every where the purple prairie coneflowers were.  So I'm imagining they're somehow related (or not. I know very little botany/biology).

Been digging this song since I heard it on Orange is the New Black (a pretty good show I recommend).  Something about being married has lately made me very fond of dissonant themed songs.  I wouldn't suggest reading too deeply into that...

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